Diana Ngiam 严贤婷
Advocate & Solicitor Singapore
LL.B (Hons), King’s College London
LL.M (Specialisation in Criminal Law, Criminal Justice & Criminology), King’s College London
Diana’s practice is primarily in criminal defence litigation. She handles and assists in matters ranging from road traffic offences, to capital cases, as well as blue-collar and white-collar offences. Diana has recently completed her secondment at the Ministry of Law and Ministry of Home Affairs.
Diana was admitted to the Singapore Bar in July 2012 and pupiled under Mr. Subhas Anandan, whose values and approach to criminal defence work continue to guide Diana in her practice.
Diana has assisted in a wide range of criminal trials and criminal appeals both in the State Courts, the High Court and the Court of Appeal. Some of these high-profile criminal cases worth noting include:
Pathip Selvan s/o Sugumaran v Public Prosecutor [2012] 4 SLR 453: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Secured acquittal of murder charge which was reduced to one of culpable homicide not amounting to murder in the Court of Appeal. Established defence of grave and sudden provocation. The client was eventually sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment after his mitigation was heard in the Court of Appeal.
Phang Wah v Public Prosecutor and another matter [2012] SGCA 60: Assisted with the preparation of Criminal Reference Submissions. High Court granted leave for questions of public interest to be referred to the Court of Appeal as a basis to challenge the client’s conviction for trading fraudulently (under Section 340(5) of the Companies Act).
Ajmer Singh s/o Ajit Singh v Chua Hock Kwee [2013] SGHC 59: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Secured acquittal of an assault case on appeal to the High Court.
Ong Mingwee (alias Wang Mingwei) v Public Prosecutor [2013] 1 SLR 1217: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Secured acquittal in a rape case on appeal to the High Court.
Geyabalan s/o K Ramiah and another v Public Prosecutor [2014] SGHC 173: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Secured acquittal of various charges of theft on appeal to the High Court.
Low Gek Hong v Public Prosecutor [2016] SGHC 69: Appeared as lead counsel for the accused person in an appeal to the High Court for offences involving the abuse of a foreign domestic worker.
Public Prosecutor v BDB [2018] 1 SLR 127: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Appeared as lead counsel in the Court of Appeal for an accused person who voluntarily caused grievous hurt to four-year-old son leading to his death.
Public Prosecutor v Chua Buan Ling Alicia [2018] SGMC 9: Assisted with the trial for accused person with 15 charges under s 5(3)(a) of the Betting Act.
Public Prosecutor v Chia Kee Chen and another appeal [2018] SGCA 30: Assisted with the preparation of submissions to the Court of Appeal.
Public Prosecutor v Kong Peng Yee [2018] SGCA 31: Assisted with the preparation of submissions to the Court of Appeal.
Diana has also recently appeared before the High Court as counsel for an accused person involved in a gang rape offence, where she conducted the cross-examination of the alleged victim.
Diana believes strongly in the need for fair representation as every accused person should be given the chance to have their voices heard.
Outside of work, Diana is the Secretary of the Association of Criminal Lawyers of Singapore (“ACLS”). Further, Diana volunteers at the Meet-The People-Sessions and legal clinics in Chong Pang. Diana is also a volunteer lawyer with the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme, an initiative by the Law Society of Singapore. Diana is also on the panel of assisting counsel under the Supreme Court’s Legal Assistance Scheme for Capital Offences.
Diana also plays a significant role in the Preparatory Course leading to Part B of the Singapore Bar Examinations. Apart from being a lecturer and tutor in Criminal Procedure, Diana has been in the course coordinating team for the past 3 years and is a tutor for the advocacy workshop.
- Member, Law Society of Singapore
- Member, Singapore Academy of Law
- Secretary of the Management Committee of the Association of Criminal Lawyers Singapore
- Ranked as “Preeminent” practitioner in Doyles Guide’s Leading Criminal Defence Lawyers – Singapore, 2020
- Tutor in Criminal Procedure in the Preparatory Course leading to Part B of the Singapore Bar Examinations

Diana Ngiam 严贤婷
Advocate & Solicitor Singapore
LL.B (Hons), King’s College London
LL.M (Specialisation in Criminal Law, Criminal Justice & Criminology), King’s College London
Diana’s practice is primarily in criminal defence litigation. She handles and assists in matters ranging from road traffic offences, to capital cases, as well as blue-collar and white-collar offences. Diana is currently seconded to Ministry of Law, Singapore. Diana has recently completed her secondment at the Ministry of Law and Ministry of Home Affairs.
Diana was admitted to the Singapore Bar in July 2012 and pupiled under Mr. Subhas Anandan, whose values and approach to criminal defence work continue to guide Diana in her practice.
Diana has assisted in a wide range of criminal trials and criminal appeals both in the State Courts, the High Court and the Court of Appeal. Some of these high-profile criminal cases worth noting include:
Pathip Selvan s/o Sugumaran v Public Prosecutor [2012] 4 SLR 453: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Secured acquittal of murder charge which was reduced to one of culpable homicide not amounting to murder in the Court of Appeal. Established defence of grave and sudden provocation. The client was eventually sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment after his mitigation was heard in the Court of Appeal.
Phang Wah v Public Prosecutor and another matter [2012] SGCA 60: Assisted with the preparation of Criminal Reference Submissions. High Court granted leave for questions of public interest to be referred to the Court of Appeal as a basis to challenge the client’s conviction for trading fraudulently (under Section 340(5) of the Companies Act).
Ajmer Singh s/o Ajit Singh v Chua Hock Kwee [2013] SGHC 59: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Secured acquittal of an assault case on appeal to the High Court.
Ong Mingwee (alias Wang Mingwei) v Public Prosecutor [2013] 1 SLR 1217: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Secured acquittal in a rape case on appeal to the High Court.
Geyabalan s/o K Ramiah and another v Public Prosecutor [2014] SGHC 173: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Secured acquittal of various charges of theft on appeal to the High Court.
Low Gek Hong v Public Prosecutor [2016] SGHC 69: Appeared as lead counsel for the accused person in an appeal to the High Court for offences involving the abuse of a foreign domestic worker.
Public Prosecutor v BDB [2018] 1 SLR 127: Assisted with the preparation of appeal submissions. Appeared as lead counsel in the Court of Appeal for an accused person who voluntarily caused grievous hurt to four-year-old son leading to his death.
Public Prosecutor v Chua Buan Ling Alicia [2018] SGMC 9: Assisted with the trial for accused person with 15 charges under s 5(3)(a) of the Betting Act.
Public Prosecutor v Chia Kee Chen and another appeal [2018] SGCA 30: Assisted with the preparation of submissions to the Court of Appeal.
Public Prosecutor v Kong Peng Yee [2018] SGCA 31: Assisted with the preparation of submissions to the Court of Appeal.
Diana has also recently appeared before the High Court as counsel for an accused person involved in a gang rape offence, where she conducted the cross-examination of the alleged victim.
Diana believes strongly in the need for fair representation as every accused person should be given the chance to have their voices heard.
Outside of work, Diana is the Secretary of the Association of Criminal Lawyers of Singapore (“ACLS”). Further, Diana volunteers at the Meet-The People-Sessions and legal clinics in Chong Pang. Diana is also a volunteer lawyer with the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme, an initiative by the Law Society of Singapore. Diana is also on the panel of assisting counsel under the Supreme Court’s Legal Assistance Scheme for Capital Offences.
Diana is also plays a significant role in the Preparatory Course leading to Part B of the Singapore Bar Examinations. Apart from being a lecturer and tutor in Criminal Procedure, Diana has been in the course coordinating team for the past 3 years and is a tutor for the advocacy workshop.
- Member, Law Society of Singapore
- Member, Singapore Academy of Law
- Secretary of the Management Committee of the Association of Criminal Lawyers Singapore
- Ranked as “Preeminent” practitioner in Doyles Guide’s Leading Criminal Defence Lawyers – Singapore, 2020
- Tutor in Criminal Procedure in the Preparatory Course leading to Part B of the Singapore Bar Examinations