We have a team that has experience handling immigration and services related to visas, work permits, citizenship and other immigration-related matters. The team is well-versed in immigration matters and have assisted individuals, families, and major international companies to navigate the complexities of immigration regulations and processes. Such services form part of the services we render and carry out for clients when setting up businesses in Singapore. Our clients span from small businesses, to foreign law firms to major multinational corporations. Some of the work we help our clients with include the following:
• Employment Passes /ONE pass (EP/ OP)
• Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)
• Global Investor Programme (GIP)
移民法是复杂的,并饱受政治、经济和社会因素的影响。 各国的移民法都有不小的差异,因此,在办理移民、工作准证和签证事务需要在该领域有从业经验及声誉良好的律师事务所。该律师事务所需要具有处理这方面棘手问题的经验并在其方面能够高效、有效的法律意见及处理事务的能力。
• 工作通行证/ONE通行证 (EP/ OP)
• 企业家通行证 (EntrePass)
• 全球投资者计划 (GIP)